Monday, November 17, 2008

Back in the saddle again!

Hello everyone!

Well, I think it has been over a month since I have published anything on this blog sight. My motto is "slow progress is better than NO progress"! :o)

I am partnering with my two friends in weight watching and exercising. This is day goal this week is to journal everyday. So, far so good! I haven't eaten perfectly, but at least I am holding myself accountable!

Exercising is the next hurdle. I have had a lot of pain in my back and shoulder so I am finding it uncomfortable to workout...I think my lack of activity is contributing to this pain. I pray that I God will grant me the strength I need to do what needs to be done!

I am realizing that this all about my willingness to surrender to the Lord. I can not do this on my own. The Bible promises that in my weakness He will be the strength that is needed. Any success that happens will be all for His glory. I have tried and tried and tried...with NO success at all. This is not something I can do. It has got to be all God.

In saying that, I wonder, what does it mean if there is still no success? Does God want to leave me this way? Is it simply my fault again...not being able to truly turn things over to God. This is where the frustration with my weight problem begins. I start over analyzing everything and then...I want to eat something! What a terrible vicious cycle!

"Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

I like this prayer, but really it will not be me changing anything. I think I need to spend more time with my Father...getting to know Him better, and letting Him show me who I am in His eyes. I know that is scary for me...I don't like what I am afraid I will see--short comings.

Well, that is enough of my rattling thoughts for now. I will be back again before a month has past. God bless us in our endeavours!

1 comment:

AllThingsMadeNew said...

I am so glad to hear you are "back in the saddle" i think you are right. Spending time with God is always the first step. Maybe if there is no progress in the area you are focused on its because God is focusing on another area. I know i stayed in bondage with my eating and weight for a long time. It was when i was at my biggest 297lbs (76 lbs ago =)) that i felt God put on my heart that if I never got it under control he still loved me. And that he still thought i was beautiful. Then was the hard part. He asked me to agree with him. He made me look at myself and see that i was beautiful BECAUSE he loved me. I have spent so much of my life having weight issues i actually let it make me feel like less of a person. God allowed me to get to the biggest ive ever been to reveal to me that untill i loved myself as i was, i was never going to be able to get control. because carefully tending Gods temple requires Love and i cant act in love if i dont feel love. He also put it on my heart to be thankful for my body. even if it wasnt my ideal it is still a gift from God. Not only that but after all of the drugs i did and my back problem i am so lucky to be able to function. Not to mention how many people have debilitating physical illness or deformities. Im sure many of them wish their only problem was watching the waistband. I also had to accept that this body is not mine. It IS a sanctuary of God. This is what he entrusted me with. And also i kind of wonder if i am not trust worthy with this earthly body, how can i be trust worthy with other spiritual gifts.