Saturday, October 18, 2008

Baby Steps

Starting this journey, I knew the road would be a long one. I am nearing the end of my first week and I have to say my weight hasn't changed any...YET! I have been to the gym 4 times, though. I went to a couple of challenging classes. As I write this my sides and shoulders are sore from working them out. It is a good feeling.

I have lied to myself a couple times this week. I have told myself that I have made really good choices so that means I deserve a special treat...of course that is something sweet for me. I am admitting this to you all now. I have been dishonest! I am going to be truthful with myself today. Every bite of food that I put into my mouth matters...even the ones that I convince myself "I earned" by working out or eating right yesterday. I would rather reward myself by fitting into the cute pants I bought at Old Navy that have NEVER fit me. They are laying over the back of the chair in my room with the tags still on.

I have also lied to myself about my responsibilities. This is very scary for me to write about. If I keep ignoring the truth, I won't have to face the hard work I need to do. Of course, the hard work is always less daunting than I make it in my mind. The fact is, the work that needs to be done is urgent. In a time like this, when the economy is uncertain and jobs are dissolving before our eyes, I need to work even harder to keep the job that I have. If something changes, and my job is lost, I don't want to look back and say that maybe I could have saved it if I had worked harder!

These are the things I need to do:
1. Follow-up with the teachers I met in my travels this month.
2. Prepare my Safety Workshop presentation.
3. Prepare my Quick Demos Workshop presentation and hand-outs.
4. Read the research articles I have gathered and summarize their content.

Each task in itself feels insurmountable to me at this point. I don't know where I am going to find the energy and gumption to do what needs to be done. This, like my weight loss, can only be conquered one day at a time.

I don't know that this post has been inspirational to anyone, but words of support would be much appreciated by me :o) After all, this is really my online journal. It feels good to get these things out. When I read them over later, it will help me gain the perspective that I need.

Thanks for reading...

1 comment:

Fighting the Fat Holly said...

You can do it! You are right in your one day at a time. I have been putting off making a budget, but I started doing that this
weekend and I have such relief over doing so. You will feel that too as you do this things. And we both need to work on the fighting the fat. ;)