Monday, October 13, 2008

The Road Less Traveled

I was reminded by my fellow "loser" today of the frustrations that come from going this weight-loss, life-changing, self-assessing road alone. It brought to mind the simple words of wisdom that were published by Robert Frost at the beginning of the 20th century:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the 'one less traveled' by,
And that has made all the difference.

It would be easier to follow the crowd and give into the temptations that we face everyday. Drifting along with the tides doesn't take much strength at all, I imagine. But in doing so, we atrophy and waste away into nothing. It is those who swim up stream in bold determination of attaining the prize they seek who's muscles are strong and well toned. They have faced set backs and have overcome, therefore, their faith and hope prevail in times of trouble. These are the ones who have much to give to those around them, the ones who know what really matters in life, and the ones who know how to be patient with others who are still drifting.

The road "less traveled by" may look small, rocky and lonely when standing at the fork. I know for myself, this is the path that I want to be on. I would rather grow in character and strength on a challenging path than be pushed along in "traffic" on the highway that offers no challenge--no change. The beauty I see on the path is that there are a few others there, too. Now that I have ventured along a short ways, I am finding that there are many more than I expected. Even more thrilling than that, these are people with a strong character and positive attitude...they are the vision of the person I want to become. I can also tell that this is the path that Jesus was on. I can't think of anyone else who I would rather be like than Him.

Travel this road with me. It is about so much more than just losing weight, looking better, feeling better or regaining lost health. I am on my way to becoming someone who can really make a difference in this world instead of just passively standing by and watching the time tick away. I love me too much to waste the person I am on doing nothing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very well put. Nicely written. I'm just sitting back and thinking about that road now. I'm glad i took it, glad I stayed on it, glad I keep following it. At least I aspire to. Thank you so much for that reminder. L (who is an English major in love with Thoreau and M. Scott Peck :))